I Can Fix $7 Haircuts

Yes, as an insurance dude, I can fix $7 haircuts (in a sense). Frankly, if I pulled out my hair clippers, I wouldn’t be surprised if I could actually improve some of the cuts I see out there today. However, I’m only speaking of $7 haircuts as a metaphor.

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I came across this humorous tidbit today and it made me think of some of the work I do in the insurance biz:

There was a new hair salon that opened up right across the street from the old established hair cutter’s place. They put up a big sign,


Not to be outdone, the old shop put out their own sign,


And, so it is with the service I provide. You may find a cheap insurance policy for your business, home, or autos, but does it amount to a “SEVEN DOLLAR HAIRCUT?” Frankly, I can’t promise I will save everyone a few bucks when they ask me to handle their insurance; and, if I can’t, I’ll tell you up front.

My job isn’t to save everyone a few dollars on insurance (or a cheap haircut). However, I will promise to do my best to resolve the problems and pains you have (and, if we can save a few dollars in the meantime, that’s just some yummy frosting on the cake). Frankly, I think of myself more as an insurance doctor – I find the pain and I FIX it.

An Insurance Agent/Broker who is an Asset to You and Your Loved Ones…
It ought to come standard with every agent.


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